Saturday, March 15, 2008


It has been a crazy week and I am SO glad the weekend is finally here.
Last night was wonderful - we had a church ladies meeting and the sharing time we had was so beautiful. I suppose I take these girls for granted. One in the group is fairly new and was quick to tell us how lucky we were to have such a tight-nit group of ladies. So I am proud to have them all in my life and helping me draw closer to the Lord.
And earlier in the day yesterday, I reconnected with an old friend from Jr High School. Once I found out she had another baby back in November and moved, it was like we picked up from where we were about 18 months ago when we last spoken.
After getting home, getting Lane to bed, getting back up with Lane (terrible cough) and getting him back to bed for the final time; I laid there and thought about all the wonderful friends I have in my life and how lucky I am truly am.
So enough mushy stuff...YUCK!!! LOL
Today will be a fun day. Lane has lots of friends who are playing ball at the Y fields. We are heading up the road to a local Arts Festival (hope that goes ok and LaneBug does not bum-rush someone's display and wreck it!), and then back to home to the Y games and to a BBQ tonight. Hopefully, Bug will be so wore out that he sleeps through the night even with this nasty cough.
Pictures next post, PROMISE!!!

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