Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ms. Martha....

....okay y'all, you know I am not Martha Stewart. But check this out.
We made these really cool "Globblins" and "Mummies".
Sweet huh? Of course, also you would know (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that this came straight out of someone else's imagination and creation. They came from a Pillsbury recipe booklet. But still, for me - this is quite an accomplishment. We took these over to a friend's house Saturday night and they were a BIG HIT!
You should try them if you have a chance over the weekend.
Later.... :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

catching up

Does "catching up" really exist?? I believe it is an unattainable goal for me. Man....I don't ever catch up on my sleep, my housework, my organizing of closets, and let us not even start on work stuff. Yesh......oh well. I am sure I am not the only one who feels like I should remove the phrase from my vocabulary and quit worrying about it since I have declared it impossible. Right?

So here are a few pictures of Bug riding his Scooter downtown. Monty took him down there Friday night when I was out of town and he absolutely loved scooting around up and down the sidewalks after hours.
This would be a great picture of Lane...IF he would have looked at the camera. I tried to talk to him about looking at the camera and saying cheese.So the next time we stopped, you can see he took the bird's head and turned it towards me and said to the bird "Say cheese to Mommy!". The good news - got my drift. The bad news - he did it with the bird instead of himself. Monty and I HAD to giggle......
See? He physically turned the bird's head.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friday is almost here

Hey guys, well, Friday is almost here. I will be leaving my boys tomorrow to head up to Atlanta to attend Relay University. I absolutely love Relay U. It is such an inspiring and enriching experience. I get the "chicken skins" (goose pimples) about a gazillion times each year. It is so amazing to meet others who share your passion for such an amazing organization. This year is special whereas our County was asked to tour the Hope Lodge in Atlanta. I am super excited about it. I have heard quite a few testimonials from Survivors about how wonderful their stays were at Hope Lodges. It will be wonderful to see it first hand. I feel very honored to be invited as a special guest. I'll head back into town late Saturday, love on my boys and then start cooking for our Family Reunion on Sunday. Gee.....I think I'll have to go into work on Monday and get some rest after this busy weekend! *wink*
Well, gotta get the curtain climber into bed and start packing.
Have a great weekend!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


oh my.....will he EVER wear regular clothes again?????

Football Highlights

well, last night was our usual - we went to the Tville High football game. I actually felt kind of sorry for the team we were playing. We were beating them really bad. At the half, our friends Marty, Darlene, Tanner & Dawson came up to see us. Lane had been walking back and forth to them during the game some. The crowd was really slim due to Fall break and the Fair going on. It was very nice if you ask me. I enjoyed the slimmer crowds.

So the gang came up and the boys played, played, played. Dawson & Tanner liked LaneBug's "football" helmet (baseball helmet turned around backwards) a lot. Lane was gracious and shared. Here are some snapshots with everyone wearing the all fashionable "football helmet"!

Dawson pulled it ALL the way down. Very incognito!

Well, off to get ready for the Fly In - that should be a fun day. Lane really enjoyed it last year.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

9 on the 9th

This is a little meme of Angela. It is titled 9 on the 9th. This I am listing 9 of my favorite memories from childhood.

1) I must admit, one of my favorite birthday parties growing up was when my cousin came and entertained us all as a magician. Angela - be sure to ask your hubby if he remembers this. Tell him I am still trying to figure out how he poured milk into a newspaper rolled up into a cone shape and then immediately poured confetti on our heads instead of the milk.

2) My treehouse! Man, I loved playing in that thing. I hope that LaneBug gets to have one eventually.

3) Riding my 3 wheeler/4 wheeler on our farm.

4) Spending the night with my Mema & Papa and Grandma & Grandpa.

5) Riding/driving my Daddy's tractors.

6) Being the piano player at my church while growing up.

7) My Papa letting me drive all over the farm WAY before I turned age 15 or 16.

8) Riding through the field with my cousins and the tailgate of the truck we were riding on FELL OFF!!! It was hilarious!!! Again, Angela, ask your hubby about that one.

9) Riding horses with my cousin Nyla.

Anyone want to join in?
Click on Angela's name above to go to her website and sign up!!!

Derby Night

Well, another Demolition Derby under our belts. WOW - this makes 2 now. I still get highly anxious when all the cars are revving their engines and crashing into one another. But it is fun to watch. A lot of the folks in attendance are pretty entertaining too.....

So here are a few snapshots. And look - we had a friend sit behind us and he snapped a picture of ALL THREE OF US. We can put this with the literal handful of snapshot pictures we own with all of us in them.

Yeah, so I smell like cigarette smoke, my ears are ringing and my contacts are so dried out and brittle right now that it is pitiful. I am heading to bath and bed!

FYI, Lane didn't know Mr. Courtney - the man who took our picture - that is why he has that really odd look about him.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


We did HOTC today. It was our first time. We had a really good time. It was really ALOT of work. Whew! We worked at the Cultural Center. We removed all of the plants around the sign. They had grown up bigger than the sign and really took away from it. So, yes, moved A-L-L of the shrubs. And let me assure you, those babies were rooted like all get out!!! Me and Donna worked hard together to remove all the ones we were able to dig up. The biggest ones had to be winched to get them up. And even with that, Monty had to chock the tires on the Expedition because when he cranked the winch, the tires on it woud turn. Yep....not exaggerating. Those suckers had ROOTS baby!!! So we got all of it removed - and by the way, I shall not forget to mention the snakes, yep, S-N-A-K-E-S (got that...yes, plural, not singular) that those who chose to touch removed from the bushes and set free in other shrubs that we were not working in. ......shudder..... Give me frogs, lizards, centipedes, whatever, but don't get a snake or spider up next to me. Poor Dee Dee, one of her boys took a couple home. Bless her heart. But we completed the project and it looked great. Here are a couple of photos.

Doesn't the end result look great??? I think so!! It was alot of fun but alot of work. And you thought I was kidding about the snakes??? Those were just the babies. I didn't clip a picture of the 2 big ones (referred to as Mommy and Daddy).

Lane nejoyed the lunch at the park catered by Granddaddy's BBQ.
Of course, while we were there we had to get some quality play time in too. I really don't know how LaneBug made it through the whole day. We didn't get home until almost 2 and he took about a 30 mintue nap. Then we went to a friend's house for dinner and LaneBug played with their 2 boys. It was a long day - we had lots of fun. But I am ready to hit the hay.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

you know it is time....

....for a haircut if it looks like this!