Lake Lanier was unbelievable! I had never been until this weekend. We saw 130 foot deep on the depth finder at one spot. GULP! That is really deep. Bug and I swam in an area that about 70 feet deep. It was just a weird feeling knowing that it was that deep I suppose. The water was gorgeous - a clear blue, green color - like it was in Sandestin. It was an eerie feeling to see how the water level has dropped there in the last few years. There was about 15 feet of exposed shoreline that should be underwater, the docks that were on dry land - it really drove home the fact of how water is really a big issue up there. You can see one of the pictures below how long the boat ramp is now due to low water levels.
Also, if you don't how Lake Lanier came about click here to learn more. I did not know the history behind it until this weekend.
All the folks we met were really nice and the boats we saw were gorgeous. There was one attending that was yellow and black - it was the prettiest one to me. Those colors just popped on the water. We did win some really nice prizes. It seems Monty was one name draw short of winning a board. Oh well, not surprising whereas that is how our luck normally runs. But we did make it out with a really nice wake board rope and a sweet ladies neoprene life vest. Those two things together retail for over $150 - so it was a very successful luck of the draw for us on the raffle prizes.
We are most likely heading down to the Florida Moomba Jamboree in August. It will be in Land O Lakes. I know....we are INSANE with the fuel costs as they are now. But we had that much fun this weekend.
Enjoy the pictures!
1 comment:
What a great weekend, sounds like you guys had a wonderful time. The lake is beautiful and it looks like you had great weather! Bug is such a cutie pie with the cutest little wonder he makes friends fast...they can't resist him and that little grin! Take care and I'll keep you updated on Savannah's arrival!
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