As you can see in the above picture, Lane was very upset when Jenny took back one of HER toys to play with it. Also, you can note that Jenny is not upset at all that Lane is crying and pitching a fit. We had a quick talk and things were back to normal again.

We went to dinner and thank heavens for little matchbox cars. Those seem to be the only thing to hold Bug's attention these days. He played with a few through the entire dinner and luckily we sat outside at the grille there at the Hilton. We all enjoyed the dinning experience that night.

Then we loaded up on the "school bus" as Lane called it and went back to Baytowne Wharf. Lane had not napped so we took his stroller. It is one of the rare times when he actually rode in it. He drove the boats and played on the playground.

Looks like you guys had a good time! Love the pic of Lane "pitching" it!!! Just like a man!
Cute I love bug's expressions
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