yes, I have arrived in the 35s! And so far, it is great. Mind you, I haven't been to work yet - hee hee! Lane had a great birthday yesterday with his friend Jackson. We were sad to find out Jackson's sister (who is more Lane's age) was sick and quarantined inside the house. But Bug jumped right in with the bigger boys and had a ball. Literally - yes, did I mention it was a football/tailgate party? Lane LOVED the fact he could wear his football uniform. And Jackson had his on too!
Aren't they cute?
Check out the cake - I may be using this idea for Bug's party next year.So, movie and dinner last night to celebrate the big 3-5. We saw Mall Cop. It was funny and cute. Monty was kind of ah-not so liking it. I wanted to see New In Town but settled for Mall Cop. I was pleased.
Check out some pictures we took today (GORGEOUS DAY OUTSIDE) over a couple of town's from here at a petting zoo. This fellow had us laughing so hard even though he had some of the worst breath I have smelled in a long time!
So the weekend was great. Thanks to all my friends who spent time with me, sent cards and typed sweet messages on my FB page. I truly felt very special.
I'll leave you with 2 of my new favorite pictures. Of course, me and my boys! And the other of the water. Being so near to it today seriously gave me boating fever!