Lane and Daddy right before we walked in the stadium.
The mascot dog. I know there is a joke I could insert here about "dawgs" and legs but.....I suppose I will keep that one under my lid.
The players entering the field. I guess we have a tradition of our own. We never go sit down until after the players have ran onto the field. Bug loves to stand here by the dog statue that all the players pet before walking on the field and he yells "Good Luck" to them as they run by. It is something we always do and I suppose will continue as long as he wants. He used to actually yell "Good Uck" in previous years! hee hee
And this is Bug with his friend Gracie. Ignoring the really dark and grainy picture you can see TWO HUGE SMILES. They have seats right next to us so he has seen Gracie since he was born. She just turned 4 and Bug will be 3 in November so there is a bit of an age difference. They never took a large interest in one another before last night. But I would say they most certainly made up for lost time! They played and had a wonderful time together. And that made the night a lot easier for us and Gracie's Mom and Dad too. Did I mention that Gracie's Mom and I are good friends too? Yep - we play Bunco together so we see each other at least once a month.
So that was our first of many nights for high school football games. Next week will be interesting! THS plays my old high school CCHS! We are planning to drive to Mo-town for that one. Guess I will have to bust out some of my old black and gold for this game.