Saturday, April 26, 2008

One week from today....

....and Relay will be behind me! Oh my, just the thought of it makes me giddy. That sounds awful now that I read it but it is just I am a cronic "worrier". Oh I worry about everything - you got a problem? Tell me; I'll worry about it for you. So naturally with being the Chair for the County Relay - I got a lot of things looming over me. Some are handled and squared away. Others.....well, let's say I am working on those little matters. But all in all, I think we (me and my committee) are looking pretty good. So today I just starting thinking - WOW - this time next week - the worrying will be over. I will be exhausted, but the worrying will be over.
Here are a few pictures from the parades this week.
Bug waiting for the Bud Parade to start Thursday.
This is from the big parade last night. Bless Lane's heart - he is smiling and saying "CHEESE" so much that his eyes are closed in the picture. Oh well, I always smile so big you can see 2 inches of my gums so I can't throw stones. Also, note the little chair beside me with his Veggie Tale Pirates sitting in it......wanna take a stab at what he threw a fit about at the Bud Parade the night before???? Yep, wanted his own chair to sit in. Of course, I brought it to the big parade.....that's right, never sat in the stupid thing one time. ***sigh*** I keep telling myself, one day I will miss these days.
How cool is this??? The Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo!
The Clydesdales from Pebble Hill.

Friday, April 25, 2008



Just a quick post with mainly pictures. Did I mention that Relay is one week from today??? I am ready to do it! There are so many things left to do but I am such a worrier by nature that I am exhausting myself worrying about them. Lovely trait.....I need to work on day.....when I have time.
So here are a few random pictures.

Lane playing at the Lake last weekend.

Lane driving the boat.

The boys getting ready to take the boat out.

Lane mixing up some YUMMY muffins.

One of my friend's little boy with Dixie the pot bellied pig. Yep, we met up at a Pig Kissing earlier this week....gotta post some action photos from that. It was pretty funny. It was a Relay fundraiser.

Anyway, gotta finish getting dressed for work.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bug and Xylie - Fast Friends

My cousin's daughter is in GA (down from SC) this week for a visit. Since Lane was feeling crummy over the weekend, today is the first time he has seen her. We met Xylie and her Nanny and Gramps at a local restaurant. Gee whiz, I think they were with each other a total of 30 seconds before they started playing chase and laughing and playing. It was too cute. Luckily we dined at the tables outside on the porch of the restaurant so the playing continued with a smidgen of eating here and there.

Finally, they had eaten enough and we left for the Park. Since the day was so gorgeous, it followed into the evening hours too and they played in the sand, fed the ducks and played on the playground equipment. Aside from a couple of shovel and pail incidents, the evening was flawless. They really had a great time. We were all sad when the sun finally set and the mosquitos came out in full force because it was time to say Goodbye.

Here is the only picture I took. My camera battery went KERPLUNCK on me - ugh! I have taken so many pictures in the last week for Relay and I never thought to recharge the battery. Aunt Suz snapped some pics with her camera. Hopefully she will email those to me and I will post them later.

Promised Pics

Good Morning - better late than err.....later, right??

Here are a few pictures from "Lyse's" birthday party.

Here are a few from the Tift County Relay!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Catching Up

Hello - so sorry to be out of pocket again for a week. But, honestly, it will be this way until after Relay on May 2nd. It seems all of my free time is used for planning and getting ready for it. But after that, I should be much better at posting regularly again.

So, Bug's double ear infection didn't clear up entirely. We finished our round of meds on Wednesday and Friday night, the fever was back. So we went to the Doctor on Saturday AM instead of the 5K walk. We have the "mac daddy" of antibiotics now - so the Doc says - and hopefully this will clear up the stubborn right ear.

This week was good - Whispers of Hope Ladies group meeting on Tuesday night (we are re-organizing some of our projects), Mission Friends Wednesday night, our Survivor Dinner for Relay was Thursday night (it was WONDERFUL!!) and Friday night, me and Bug and one of my Committee Members went to Tift County Relay event. It was really cool to see another Relay. Of course, it is essentially the same but subtle differences are there. We hope to tweak our Relay over the next few years to make it easier to execute and more enjoyable for those attending. We stayed until the Luminary Service and got lots of great ideas and saw where we had things different that was better than what they had. And I must brag on LaneBug - he was wonderful. He was very patient through all the tent judging we had to do (it took about an hour) and he loved running around and playing outside. Everyone there was SUPER friendly. There was one team in particular that I just fell in love with. It was a team organized for a boy (now 11 years old) who was diagnosed with cancer at 15 months. He is now 8 years cancer free!! Their tent was "Victory Lap" and they had a real race car there. The boy was so cute - blond hair and blue eyes. They were really nice folks. I would have loved to stay and chat with them more. Another team was organized for a Mother of 3 who is a 20 year cancer survivor. They had raised over $16,000 this year. WOW. AMAZING. She decided to pursue nursing after her diagnosis. She had 2 more children after chemo. It was such an amazing story - so much courage.

Well, gotta run now and finish cleaning. Bug is down for a nap and I need to "make hay while the sun shines" so to say. He has been kind of icky and fussy today so maybe after this nap he will be doing better. I'll post some pictures later tonight. I downloaded over 100 picture from my camera yesterday. I have some from last week's birthday party we attended through our visit to the Tift County Relay plus there are some SUPER cute pics from a local Mini Relay at a church preschool.

Bye-bye for now!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where's DKay?

Oh, she's still here!! Sorry to be MIA for the week. It has been a crazy one. Lane was sick on Monday (double ear infection) and then Relay for Life kept me very busy on Tuesday. Wednesday, I had to catch up on my work for work. Thursday - back to Relay stuff again. And Friday, well, I had to do work for work again! GRACIOUS!

So, speaking of Relay for Life, you got to come out if you aren't already planning. It is Friday, May 2nd at the County School Stadium across from McDonald's. Opening ceremony is at 6:00 and the Luminary Service is at 9:00. My cousin's hubby (Amanda Faye) Brian will be there with the band he is in - he is the drummer. The name of the band is Mahogany Moon. You can find them on MySpace. I have their link somewhere - I'll find it and post it later. They are a Southern Rock band with some of their own songs. I am excited to have them come join us this year.

So, not much to time to blog today. I need to run some errands while Bug and his Daddy are gone right now. Lane has a birthday party later today and he is looking forward to that as I am too.

I'll leave you with a few snapshots.

Lane is getting pretty good at stacking his blocks!

Lane was helping his Daddy get the boat cleaned up
last weekend.

This is a picture of the boys "racing" in the cul-de-sac the other night.....not sure who was having the most fun....the tall one or the short one....

Monday, April 7, 2008


Hi there!
Today has been one of those really weird days (whatever weird is anyway). I think it is because of a few factors:
1. I did not get much sleep last night and my 4:00 AM hour was tampered with - that is never a good thing. That is without a doubt my most important hour of sleep.
2. A friend sent me a link to a blog that is dedicated to a Mother's unborn baby and the baby will need a miracle to survive once she is born.
3. Lane was sick today. He has a double ear infection. The last one of these he had was at least a year or so if not more and we took him to the Doctor for some other reason and found out he had it. Needless to say, he didn't act sick that day. But today, I can honestly say, it was the first time he has ever "acted sick" when he was sick.
So anyway, back on track of my thoughts, the blog I read today just floored me. In fact, another good friend had told me about it before I had seen it and advised that I read it when I had time to really read it uninterrupted. Folks, I am blessed by God's Grace and Love. He has given more than I have ever deserved or ever will deserve.
I was able to cuddle with Lane - hold him close to me, do the "butt pat" thing and sing a song to him to calm him down when he was crying. It has been so long since I have had the opportunity to do that. I told this to a friend earlier and afterwards reflected on it and realized how lucky I am. I don't think I grasp that concept enough.
I know I don't tell God enough "THANK YOU" for giving me such simplistic problems. Instead, I magnify me own wants and desires and make protest to Him.
Please visit the blog above and pray for the family. They need God's blessings showered over them right now during this very tough time.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rainy Day

Hello - it is a perfect rainy day here. Perfect because I was not feeling overly motivated anway so I can just kind of piddle around the house and do odd ball things that I wouldn't normally do. I feel kind of funky today anyway. So - that is why I dubbed it a perfect rainy day. Only not so good thing about it is my little curtain climber doesn't do well indoors for extended periods of time. Luckily the showers start and stop and he can get outdoors in between them.

Here is a picture from about an hour ago. Lane loves to move the furniture around. I know we have wood floors and it is easy to slide it but I am still impressed that he can move a chair with ease. He is such a little ox!
Of course, he decided to re-arrange again so he could kick back and watch some Veggie Tales. What a life!!!
Well, he just brought me his plate - I made pigs in a blanket. All the pigs are gone and all the blankets remain. ***sigh****
Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hump Day - TGIHP

Thank GOODNESS it's Hump Day!!

Tomorrow is Thursday and Friday is right around the corner. I am looking forward to the weekend. I think I may have a yard sale Saturday (sigh) but not sure. But I've got to make a decision by tomorrow so I can put it in the newspaper. Monty says I don't "have enough junk" for a yard sale. So, how much do you need really? Will people not buy if you don't a vast selection of junk? I am not sure of the "yard sale protocol" I suppose. Looks like a great excuse to put it off another week though. hee hee hee

Can I say that I despise taxes? I just sent off ours about half an hour ago. I am thoroughly disgusted in the amount of money we pay throughout the year. Not to mention the piddly refund we get. UGH! But we don't have to pay in taxes so that is good - could always be worse. I remember working for a CPA firm and printing tax payment coupons for clients so they could pay their taxes each quarter. Now, that would really STINK!!

Monty says the weather is not looking too great for the weekend. I was hoping we could get the boat out this weekend and do some riding in it. Gee, I can hardly wait until the water warms up. It is just around the corner. I honestly remember the end of the boating season -thinking it would be months before we could go out again - and it is already here. Man, time flies, it really does.

Well, gotta grab a shower and hit the hay. Adios!

Here are a couple of snapshots of Bugster. Note the carpet burns on his lips and nose. It seems he did a nose plant in church nursery Sunday AM when he tripped over a toy. That boy is so clumsy....I have no clue where he gets it.......